about write local. play global

Echoing the real-life worldwide WLPG community, this is an online meeting place for all of us interested in work written for young audiences.

Think of this website as a virtual café open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week where you can read about, make contacts, and catch up with people from around the world who are committed to similar artistic visions.

You can find out about exciting new work, how writers approach their craft, about interesting events worldwide as well as about organizations that help support all of us who are creating new work for children and young people.

we are a community that wants to hear from you

  • when you see a great new play

  • when you have a new work premiering or touring

  • when you want to discuss an issue or ask a question about writing for young audiences

  • when you or a colleague wins an award for writing (hey, everyone needs applause)

  • when here’s an event happening anywhere in the world supporting writers for young audiences

  • when you want to share information from your country or region about TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences) playwrights, and organizations and events supporting and developing their work.

    If you value quality writing for young audiences, please join us so you can comment and post. You can also participate through Facebook, or submit blogs, or send info. Online editors will use your information to share the latest news opportunities for TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences) playwrights, and profile events, organizations and people.

Drop by regularly and check out what’s happening – and let us know what’s happening in your part of the world.

who we are

WLPG MEMBERS: 600+ artists in 65+ countries



Cleiton Echeveste (Brazil)
Jenny Ann Koppera (USA)
Kim Peter Kovac (USA)
Deirdre Kelly Lavrakas USA)
Ginni Manning (UK(
Lereko Mfono (South Africa)
Karin Serres (France)
Simone Spiteri (Malta)

Artistic advisors:

Maria Ines Falconi (Argentina)
Zbigniew Rudzinski (Poland)


Write Local. Play Global is the ASSITEJ Playwrights Network

If you would like to see the network grow and are interested in helping by being a contact for practitioners in your region or country, please contact us.