Theatre for Young Audiences/USA (TYA/USA)

Theatre for Young Audiences/USA (TYA/USA) is a national service organization whose mission is to promote the power of professional theatre for young audiences through excellence, collaboration, and innovation across cultural and international boundaries. The organization provides advocacy and resources in order to support, strengthen, and diversify the field of theatre for young audiences. Founded in 1965, TYA/USA is the only theatre organization in the United States which has the development of professional theatre for young audiences and international exchange as its primary mandates. TYA/USA is the United States Center for the International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People (ASSITEJ). TYA/USA hosts a biennial national conference, produces TYA Today Magazine, and offers a range of professional development opportunities, both for its membership and the greater field.


ITYARN, the International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network