Müller, Michael (Germany)

Michael Müller was born in Lübeck in 1959. He studied art and politics at the University of Hildesheim before taking a postgraduate drama education course in Remscheid. From 1991 onwards, he was public relations and education officer at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg before becoming dramaturge for its Junges Theater under managing director Tom Stromberg in 2000. Currently, Michael Müller is a dramaturge/writer and project coordinator for drama education at the Junges Schauspielhaus in Hamburg.

In his play Über die Grenze ist es nur ein Schritt (It is Just a Step Across the Border), Michael Müller draws attention to the personal experience of the young African Dede Afful and uses his story to trace a plight representative of that of many migrants. Awards include the Mülheimer KinderStückePreis 2011 and nomination for the German Youth Theatre Prize 2010.


von Zadow, Ingeborg (Germany)


Fechner, Charlotte Luise (Germany)