Suárez, Esther (Cuba)
Socióloga. Investigadora del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de las Artes Escénicas. Profesora Adjunta de la Facultad de Historia, Sociología y Filosofía de la Universidad de La Habana.
Dramaturga, narradora, ensayista, crítica teatral, guionista de radio y TV. Cuenta con obras teatrales dirigidas a niños y jóvenes publicadas por diversas editoriales nacionales y representadas por varios grupos teatrales.
Entre las distinguidas con premios literarios nacionales figuran Para subir al cielo se necesita... , Premio Ismaelillo del Concurso UNEAC (1985); Mi amigo Mozart , Premio La Edad de Oro, Instituto Cubano del Libro, 1991; El alma desnuda; Premio de Dramaturgia José Antonio Ramos, Concurso UNEAC (2001); Pelusín S.O.S , Premio del Concurso de Dramaturgia para Títeres “Dora Alonso” (2002). En su catálogo también aparecen: Asesinato en la Playita de 16, Concierto en Luna Mayor, La travesía de Byron; Pelusín enamora’o, Blancanieves.
Otros reconocimientos recibidos son la Distinción por la Cultura Nacional que otorga el Ministro de Cultura de Cuba (2002) y el Premio Especial La Rosa Blanca por la calidad de su trayectoria en la literatura dedicada a los niños y los jóvenes (Comité Cubano del IBBY y Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, UNEAC 2010).
Esther Suárez is a Sociologist and Researcher of the National Center of Investigations of the Scenic Arts. She is also Adjunct Faculty of History, Sociology and Philosophy of the University of Havana.
She is also a dramatist, narrator, essayist, theatrical critic, and scriptwriter for radio and TV. Suárez has enjoyed several productions of her stage plays for children and young people. Her work has been published by diverse publishing houses nationally in Cuba and presented by several theatrical groups.
Suárez has received several distinguished literary awards, such as: Ismaelillo of the Contest UNEAC (1985); My friend Mozart, Rewarded The Golden Age, Cuban Book Institute, 1991; The soul undresses, Award of Drama José Antonio Ramos, UNEAC Contest (2001); Pelusín S.O.S Award, Contest of Drama for Marionettes “ Dora Alonso “ (2002). Suárez's other plays include: Murder in the Playita of 16, Concert in Major Moon, Byron's passage; Pelusín enamora'o, Snow White.
Other received recognition are the Distinction for the National Culture, granted by the Minister of Culture of Cuba (2002) and the The Special White Rose Award for the quality of her trajectory in literature devoted to children and young people (Cuban Committee of IBBY and Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, UNEAC 2010).